Suites are a mainstay in the premium world. What sets yours apart? How do the FF&E, F&B, experience, design, view, and other X-factors combine to create a luxurious and unique area?
Club Spaces
Premium clubs within meant for larger groups with an appetite for a posh entertainment and F&B experience. These spaces often include bars, restaurants, communal seating, and frequently a special view of players or performances. How are you innovating?
- Includes premium clubs and their constituent parts
- Does not include standalone restaurants/bars: See “Enticing F&B Environments”
Overall Building Architecture
It’s more than just curb appeal. Every building tells a story. What’s yours? This category looks at architectural considerations like the intersection of form and function, materials used, and tasteful branding and community integration.
Unique Culinary Creation
How are you serving up premium F&B? Perhaps it’s a themed dish, locally-sourced ingredients, or a classic favorite served in a creative style. Give us a feast for the eyes.
Enticing F&B Environments
Spaces framing F&B as the centerpiece. Restaurants, innovative concession areas, bars, food trucks, and pop-up experiences all should apply!
- Does not include overall larger clubs: See “Club Spaces”
Premium Access, Amenity, or Benefit
Covering gifting, special events, trips; any “cherry on top” you’re providing to your premium clientele.
Sales and Service Enablement Software
Apps, networking solutions, payment portals - show us what you’re doing to bring ease to the experience before the experience. Show us the sales and service tools and technologies leading the way for your operation.
Immersive Venue Tech
Scoreboards and video boards, AR projections, camera arrays - the hardware and/or physical experiences that makes your tech solutions experiential.
Unique Premium Space
You colored outside the lines and created something new and thrilling. Whether it’s an exclusive terrace, strategically placed theater boxes, or something we can’t even categorize yet, this is the category for your mold-breaking premium space.