When it comes to guest experience satisfaction, our frontline staff are the face of our venues. While not breaking news, what is new is dealing with the challenges of hiring, retaining, and inspiring individuals in this post-COVID world of venue management. Not only do we need these team members to show up in numbers, but do so with the enthusiasm and commitment necessary to help ensure an exceptional guest experience. Achieving world-class guest services in today’s climate requires a different approach than most of us have used before and must include delivering on the culture our staff seeks.
- Kimberly Mahoney, Ph.D., CVP, Principal, Venulogix
- Richard L. Andersen, CVE, ICD.D, Chief Illuminations Officer, Venue Solutions Group
Salon 101-102 Floor 1
Start Time
11:20 a.m.
End Time
12:00 p.m.